آخر الأخبار

Bella Hadid bombards Ben Garville's front with Instagram.

 Israel's national security minister, Itamar Ben Jaffer, has embarrassed the Israeli government before the world with his repeated stupid remarks, according to an official in Israel's ruling coalition.

His most recent statement was made in an interview with Channel 12 on Israeli television, where he said that Jewish settlers' right to life and movement in the West Bank outweighed Palestinian rights.

The comments sparked a war of words between Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid and Ben Jaffair, who said on his 60 million Instagram account that no one's life should be. more than someone else's life, especially and only because of race, culture or pure hatred.

Ben Jevier, for his part, attacked the famous model for criticizing him, responding to Bella known for supporting the Palestinian cause, in a tweet from X, saying: "To the enemies of Israel.. Yesterday I saw you take a clip of my interview and post it to the world to show that I am a racist. " and hatred.

He added: "I will say it a thousand times and I will not apologize... my right and the right of my Jewish colleagues to travel and return home safely on West Bank roads outweighs the right of terrorists who throw stones at us and kill us ".

Ben Gafir, who lives in the Jewish settlement of Kiryat Arba near Hebron in the West Bank, stressed during the above-mentioned interview that the restrictions were necessary to protect his family's security.

Bella Hadid, an American model of Palestinian origin, has previously confirmed that she has no problem losing her career in order to continue her support for the Palestinian cause.

It noted that it had lost some of its friends and employment opportunities because of its consistent attitudes that made it vulnerable to repeated accusations of "anti-Semitism and hate spreading".

- convictions

Ben Ghafir's remarks caused widespread condemnation inside and outside Israel, and the US State Department called the Israeli minister's remarks "inflammatory" and "racist."

On Thursday, the Palestinian Foreign Ministry condemned the Israeli Minister's remarks and said in a statement: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates condemns in the strongest terms the torrent of racist statements and attitudes made by... Ben Gafir, who constantly incites the perpetuation of occupation and deepening settlement ".

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